Sunday, July 13, 2008

would you rather...

- Get a speeding citation... at the airport
- Pay for vehicle registration 1 and 1/2 times
- Have your car impounded
- Be a victim of identity theft
- Have your bank account frozen... at -$152.00
- Lose a puppy
- Hear a quote from a loved one denying your success in life
- Be stuck in Utah threatening to be forced to miss your friend's birthday

Hm. I have no choice! I am suffering from each of these little pains... SHIPOOPY. The only thing that is getting me through this right now is Track 5 on the good ol' Transfer cd, haha. I just wrote the coolest blog ever about how awesome my week has been, and now looky. Frick, I say. And at this point, I still haven't slept. My little brain will not stop spinning (in circles while the sunlight dims?) and it is no good. I really gotta get some rest in because tomorrow/today is about to be a big day. Ends only mean new beginnings, haha ahhhh I lovethisband. I hope to write a song tomorrow/today, Taylor Swift inspired me today/last night. We are way too similar, it's kinda creepy.

Better extreme than a pain so dull.


I hope that the whole 'learn from my mistakes' thing kicks in quick. I have so many things that I am completely ignorant to and this needs to change. There are things that I want and things that I need... I hope I can learn to decipher which is which. I need to learn to stand alone.

Love you,
Love, me


Love learning,
Love, me

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