Tuesday, July 8, 2008

know better...

...do better.

That is the motto for today. Actually no, for in general. :) Haha, yes, grammar. I haven't been acting as good of a person as I actually am, so the goal is to abolish that immediately! I drive tomorrow morning, but I haven't packed and I haven't slept. Oops, no. Purposeful are my actions because I have been, well actually I have been locked out of my house haha but other than that, I have been finishing a song! Yessss. I don't know why I am talking so strangely and I don't know why I don't do it more often.

I was reading today about this idea that the reason it is easier to speak than to sing is because you don't think about speaking. You're not consciously trying to make your voice hold out or hit a certain pitch or sound pretty in a certain tone. You just speak off of your emotions. Left brain, it says. It goes on to say that if we learn to 'release our voice from its imprisonment,' and let it sing freely from the left brain, we'll just be super good. Hm. Maybe the fact that I sing more than I speak has something to do with my nervousness in conversations on stage. I think about what I'm saying in my in between song dialog, whereas I just sing and it comes out natural. Hhhinteresting.

I must record this song!

love it,
love, me


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