Monday, October 6, 2008

A Voluble Lesson

voluble – adjective; characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; fluent; glib; talkative: a voluble spokesman for the cause.

Heyyy. So, I just got off the fone with M and I have to say 90% of the conversations that I have with him are educational. I like talking to people like this. Whether it be educational, inspiring, or just thought-provoking, the topics of talk are never less than stimulating. AND they make me wanna look up funny synonymous words for every day words so that I can pose to be as eloquent and educated as those of higher distinguishable levels that surround me, haha. Oh, me.

R got fired today, I think. Uh oh! This means we need a new part-timer. It's gonna be a girl and I just prayyyy she's chill. And if she's not, I will instruct her with the heaviest of hands and get our store back into tip top customer servicing shape. ;) I resent my job, haha, just kidding. Just kidding. Hahaha.. woooo loser.

My newest interests are good at making me smile. I have a few that I'd like to share in case you are bored, which, you obviously are... as you continue to read my blog.

* Music
- "Black & Gold" by Sam Sparro. Really catchy, but more than anything, I want you to listen to his voice! If you can get the acoustic version, ahhhh. Even better.
- "6 ft. Gentleman" by me. HA! Just kidding. Kind of, but really I wrote a cute little song that you must hear. Actually, I wrote a cute little song that I must record, and THEN you must hear. I'll do my part, you do yours, k'peesh?
* Food
- Dude. Hot Dog On A Stick fries. Not that they're really good or anything sensible like that, they are just perfect for the marriage of french fries and ice cream. Yes. Hot Dog On A Stick fries and Haagen Daaz are a good substitute for Wendy's fries and frosty. I make due.
* Blog
- Ok this is not new to me but it's new to me telling you about it because I've always kind of half hid the fact that I was really this nerdy of a fan and this creepy of a person: Tyler Hilton's blog is hilarious. He also puts up videos of him singing songs in random places, but since he's really good, nobody minds. Subscribe! He's a talented guy.. AND he made me pick up the guitarrr.

Ok, can we just have this discussion really quickly? There's no denying it: reading someone else's blog is pretty creepy. Granted, it's public for a reason but it still is like.. a dive into someone's personal life. Because, yea, it's only as personal as the blogger wants it to be, so obviously you couldn't possibly be getting too deep into anything.. but what if said blogger actually shares every and all things and you just are bombarded with TMI disguised in kudo-starved paragraphs that live beneath cute little titles? Creep-o. It's funny you stay. But I do it too. Freakin' blogs. Gimme your blog address so I can check yours out every now and then and we'll call it even.

love you,
love, me


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