Friday, November 13, 2009


show me brains like A***
eyes like B****
a drive like C****
and mystery like D****
love fun, like E****
have a spirit like F***
take care of me like G***
surprise me like H****
be blunt like I**
fit me like J****
speak slow & smooth like K***
succeed like L******
have as much swag as M***
as much style as N***
fix your lips like O*******
make me laugh like P*****
feel me like Q**
get dirty like R***
move like S****
show me hands like T***
make me wanna be better for/than/like U
smile like V****
be my muse like W******
be ready like X****
be honest like Y****
and be true like Z***

if that doesn't spell it out for you...
; )

love you,
love, me.


Gloria Sophia said...

I love this!

mariel said...

Haha, the best is that it's true. Every letter stands for an actual man who has a quality I look for, and is the best representative of said qualityyy. To know such good guys is a blessing... And a curse!