So, hey.
M just left and right before that,
M &
K dipped out as well... I think I've been in this house for too long today so I want to talk to someone but this survey is easily the next best thing at 4am :)
Okay people, answer in detail!
1. Who was the last person you...
- hugged? Josh T @ raw night.
- cried over? Lolo, he said some stuff to
D and they hit some insecure issues o' mine :(
- kissed? Marc's cheek, i believe.
- danced with? Kayleigh, kind of. i was doing my inverts on the roof while she did her Y kicks, or something.. if that doesn't count, it would have to be Dave before they hit the road, haha. We worked on his piano moves... bomb.
- had a sleepover with? Technically, Marc. But my house was on 7 deep status with all of 2AM CLUB here + Mike Cheek! Well, and then M'apples and Nii came through but that was only for like 3 hours so I don't think that even counts.
- were angry with? This ass of a man at the dealership. Don't talk to me like I'm a 4 year old, thanks. And don't put your hands on me, chump.
- couldn't take your eyes off of? Haha, this girl at the ice cream shop. She was so pretty and so sweet and just way too happy to not look at.
2. Have you...
- danced in the rain? Yessir. Literally, and for Singing In The Rain.
- been kissed on the forehead? Yes... come to think of it, it may be safe to say that my forehead has gotten way more action than my actual designated area for kissing. How sad is that?
- shoplifted? Yes. Long time ago, i prommmise.
- drank alcohol? No. Sippy sip sip years and years and years ago. And church in the past, haha.
- slept around? Nope. Mama's good.. and that's not very hella clean :) Yesss.
- partied til the sun came up? Why, yes. Bytheway, John Legend es un genius.
- gone too far on a dare? Haha, nothing comes to mind but i am kind of thinking yes...? We have definitely done some stupid things.
3. Can you...
- name the first or last 10 presidents? Haha, no. Aw... i feel so out of the politically versed loop.
- touch your elbows behind your back? Ok, no. That sounds really easy.. and looks really funny.
- list all the people you've kissed? Well, yea. Am i being expected to, or... how about this:
T, E, M, C, J, R, Q, A, and
J. Those are all the ones that meant something. Haha, and ALL of them have inspired songs.
- identify your boy/girlfriend's scent? Haha... hahaha. That's really funny for some reason.
- solve a Rubic's Cube? UGH! i will one day, i swear.
- quote the Matrix? "What if i can't?" YESSS im good.
- count the number of texts you got/sent today? Riiiight.
4. Finish the sentence...
- I love to: sing.
- I need: sleep.
- I am a: sleepy singer.
- Where did all the: truth go?
- I want: him, haha. oh, me.
- Who has my: big toe! Omy, i hope someone remembers that scary story book with that in there.
- I never: am one of the girls, haha.
5. Gimme a line...
- Garth Brooks? The thunder rolls, and the lightning striiikes.. good song.
- 50 Cent? You say I talk too fast but if you listen a little faster i won't have to slow down for you to keep up. Aww man i don't know if i remember this all the way right but its somethin like that.
- Da Brat? I'm in love witchu more than my car, more than my house, more than the night i kept your name comin' out my mouth. GOOD SONG.
- Hannah Montana? I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' bout... right?
- Notorious BIG? Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the marijuana smoke.
- Red Hot Chili Peppers? I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane. DOPE, yea?
- Your Favorite Singer? Instead i'm with the band photo shootin, i sing songs from a place that is sub-human. YES best ever.
6. So...
- if a hobo gave you an ice cream, would you feel guilty taking it from him? Haha, what? No... i don't think so. if i picture myself in this situation, i probably would feel guilty not taking it because i can't imagine why he would think that i would need it more than him.. so i'd probably take it to please him.
- what if you had a long lost twin? i would hope that she were cooler than m'self. or he.. haha.
- do you have a favorite body part? On me or on other people? Cuz on me.... hm. i like my collar area, sometimes. Sometimes my back or my little hip. Haha... on other people i might say i like hands.. and mouths and arms.
- what song got you through your last tough time? wow 2am club all day. it actually was the TRANSFER's You Can Look. manohmannn.
- ever cheat/been cheated on? No and not that i know of, haha.
- who made you smile last? In person, Marc, Panda Marc, not 2amc Marc, this time haha.
- have you ever done an impersonation of Arnold? Actually, yes but NEVER for anyone to hear, haha. i'm just really bad at it, that's why.
7. Finally...
- how did your last relationship end? Haha. We kind of just weren't working.. did the in between thing for awhile, broke it off, he made a mistake and then we were through. We're cool, though.
- what was the last meal you finished completely? Tonight's dinner, actually! I got chicken teriyaki and shrimp tempura with gyoza. A California roll and some kind of coconut ice cream dessert. Um, YES.
- Kathryn McPhee is Over It. Are you? Haha, i believe that yes, i am over the proverbial it.
- you just had the perfect date, how do you end it? We plan to plan another date, silly.
- if you're burning a mixed cd for your secret crush, what song finishes it off? Haha secret crush, huh. Hm.. The Way You Make Me Feel by
MJ or Kiss by Prince :)
- you crossed the finish line! What were you running for? Well, the last run was for Women's Cancer Research shout out to lolaaaaa.
- any unfinished business? Yes, the sleep that I just fell into.
love you,love, memariel.