Thursday, October 16, 2008

O' La.


Hola, Ol' LA.

Me here, just blogging through real quickkk. Not that I'm busy. Cuz it suuure is 1:21am and I sure can't sleep and I sure do have to open the store tomorrow. OH boy. Speaking of, there is a new one to speak of. R, that is. Very nice, very... clean. Haha, very chill. I don't know if I've mentioned him yet but, y'know. He's definitely there. I obviously don't know what to really think about this one but we'll see what's up and keep you posted.. even though 'you' are just A and the occasional S. Thank you, bytheway.

I'm having a very hard time writing, lately. It's really REALLY depressing :( I bought a poetry book by a guy named Steve Abee and it's incredible. I feel inadequate, haha. I have been online looking at schools and stuff.... also, depressing. I looked up things that I'm interested in and then looked up what careers they can lead to but none of them are or lead to what I love and they're all pretty redundant in their disappointing...ness.

Whoa. I just got added into a category on this man's myspace that is called "Sexy As Hell." Hm....
Two points to me for being the most clothed :)

love you,
love, me



Ali and Dane said...

girl... clothes don't matter

just underwear and shoes = the life you and R will have ;)

Sarah Jane said...

I love the little crushes where you have no idea if it would ever come to anything but you still want to mention them. My journal is full of them!... clean R sounds good!