Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Apples & HS

I haven't been awake early enough to catch Saved By The Bell since I was in high school, haha. It was a wonderful thing.... But I may or may not have denied it for the Lost Scenes from the Hills. I mean, come on. THAT is sad.

Dude. I wrote a cute little soulful song the other night and I love love love buttt I hear it's "too R&B" for me. Hm. Dunno how I feel about that shizzz.

OH! K. This should have been the first order of business.
Q comes home and goes, "Wow, you must really like that applesauce I bought, huh? You ate half of them!" I said, "No, Sir, I had ONE." He goes, "But I had one.." And there were 7 of 12 missing... Someone is thieving my applesauce cups and I don't like it! Gimme. Womanizer.


But yea. I gotta get to work and stop BSing on blogs at some point. I'm prepared for this 9-5 as soooooon as I finish my Cap'n Crunch. Bye bye birdies.

love you,
love, me


1 comment:

Sarah Jane said...

You heard it's too R&B for you? Hmm! If you write it... then... it can't be.. right? But then again maybe I don't know anything!