Wednesday, July 23, 2008

it's alright... just what you say

you always tell me to let it go and let my stresses fall prey to absence, you're careless like that, but in a good way, in a good sense. makin' sure i know there's always an alternative and tomorrow turns into a new today, so today's ultimately gonna turn towards the term of yesterday, im stubborn, though. i never really hear the first time, you know? i need it repeated or my mind will delete it, i need to hear things twice or thrice or like a funnel it withers nice and evenly to black.

i like to put myself in the rain and like the way the darkness wraps up around the day, i soak in sorrowful things cuz im used to the wallowing, singing hollow rings around the corner to no one but me. im stubborn, so you're always there coaching me through, never boasting but you tell me of every time you've felt born anew when a new problem had arised just before your eyes and just before your thighs gave way for your knees to buckle and break your stature free, you stacked up your dignity and supported it with prayer between each layer of hope and so eventually you stood.

standing for violence and for hate to take way on its hell bent, hell-sent, rage-filled journey to the depths of the deeper peace that rests within you and with me, and the rest, we stand witness to this hero's tragedy. without apathy, we bear testimony only of the test that we saw in the raw, naive and misleading lack of fear in your eyes. for we know not your pain and we know not your fight and while we think of you brave, you secretly hide in your sty like that of a cave and cry yourself to sleep while nights chain the memories to dreams to sustain the root of your screams but to us it seems, the truth of the matter after what you have deemed it to be, is alright.

but that's just what you say.

love you,
love, me


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