It's December and the cold is comin' down now....
just not in California. So much has changed since last December and to be honest with you, it's pretty depressing! But that's ok because this particular blog should be a positive one :)
I have been working SO much! Paycheck is a good thing, right? Right.
I miss M! Shizzzzz. I was talking about him yesterday with L and i just cannot get over how GREAT he is at being a human haha. Road trip to NY, anyone?
Wrote a cute little song again. Have been trying to write these rap ideas for Q.. Haven't fully found what I need the song to sound like so hopefully he is slaving away over a pen and pad... buuut i doubt it. He works a lot too, and I hear he's gotten into some other extracurricular things so let's pray i figure this song out!
Bytheway.. I forgot my money at home and don't get off til 5. Hunger pains!
L is the best. I was a little jealous with the whole L & T situation but who am I to be stupid like that? I am in full support of whatever makes L as happy as possible :) I have to say, though, I'm not completely sure what he wants me to be and where I should stand, but i know that i want to be there for him in whichever area he feels i fit most, without compromising what I believe in.
FIDM is still proving himself to be the sweetest thing alive. What do you do in a situation like that? I feel like im almost on the other side of the me and M.... thing. It's really good to have him around me but I don't know if his life needs me around him. Like, i know im a good person but i can be a little... poisonous at times. I hope to never have that come out in any interaction with people but then he gives me this thing about how he wants to know everything and he accepts everything that i am. Can that really be possible if he doesn't know me though? And just when is it that you KNOW someone? Bottom line, he's reeeeeeeeally good.
R and myself have been MIA for like 2 weeks! He is missed... and so is J. And so is my brother and sometimes PD and all the time McJ and L and A! Omy A. I love the letters...
I decided I'm excited for when I become a mother, and more importantly, a mom. But right now? I gotta be a mama! On and off stage.
C, T and D are moving back to Arizona and it kills me inside :( But on a positive note, ahlovedems.
I have been fine tuning a Christmas list for myself :) I like this time of year even though it makes me a little sad but it really isn't the same without snow! I was gonna make a whole blog about this with pictures and stuff but I'm really bored at work so we play now.
- Every Eminem album! Most importantly, the Marshall Mathers LP.
- A REPLACEMENT book of lists. I lost my old one but I'm thinking of getting a journal from BN and getting it bound in leather by that guy that A knows, then making my own lists.
- A new journal, haha. Mama no likey runnin out of pages in this Thoureau one... and i don't know how to spell his last name :/
- A video iPod and some big headphones.
- That jacket from Slick Fit... So sick.
- A camera. Not digital though..
- And finally, the all important Polaroid film!
There's my little materialistic side out and open. Hopefully I can get these things for me after i take care of everyone else :)
love them,
love you,
love, me.